Marxist Leftist supporters of the Democratic Party are training for combat against “fascist” supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Sort …
There could be no better civic lesson than what is occurring today on some American college campuses as to why our founders established …
Let’s get down to brass tacks: the American public education system has hit rock-bottom. Exorbitant amounts of money are being …
There is a reason that people have learned reading, writing and arithmetic in generally the same way over the years, …
Nothing says friendship like pizza, or does it? A recent study of college students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found …
A self-proclaimed liberal professor has come out in condemnation of what took place at The Evergreen State College in Olympia, …
Taxpayers in California will soon be forced to sponsor so-called “Social Justice Activists” (SJAs) who will be tasked with patrolling …
Let’s get something straight. The far Left in America, which has long dominated American pop culture, academia, entertainment and even …
One of the things that liberals will never acknowledge is the fact that racism works both ways; that is, whites …
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines racism as the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and …
It should be said — plainly, loudly and often — that far-Left “progressives” and their ideological soulmates in the Democratic …
Explicitly liberal colleges across the US are imploding from within and it’s getting ugly. Droves of coddled students have lost …
Like their students, one in five university professors are seemingly hooked on using medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to …
In recent days you may recall, on this site and others, reading about wild tales involving a group of “misguided” …