There is something extremely ironic about liberals who infiltrate Trump rallies while simultaneously comparing the President to Adolph Hitler. The …
Rochester, Minnesota schools began sending notes to parents in January threatening to remove children from classrooms if they could not provide …
The absurdity of the liberal Alt-Left knows no bounds, but the really confusing part is why so many rational people …
When someone who is truly impartial writes the history of the United States, it will be obvious to them – …
Thom Brooks, Head of Durham Univerity Law School in the UK, is urging the Commons Home Affairs Committee to create …
Somewhere along the line College students began rationalizing that being inclusive means discriminating against white people. Case in point, Students4Justice …
One of the biggest lies told in America today is that colleges stand for tolerance and inclusiveness. Despite all of …
This past weekend, 17-year-old Mack Beggs emerged victorious in the girls’ 110-pound Class 6A Region 2 wrestling championship at Allen …
The University of Washington, Tacoma’s Writing Center wants to convince its students, as well as society, that American grammar is …
During my senior year of college, I remember one of my professors one day took the garbage bin and placed …
You’ve probably seen the company’s advertisements for taking a DNA test to learn more about your family tree and genetic …
Since the political Left rose to power and fame on American college campuses in the 1960s, it has been using …
The angry Alt-Left wants to pick a fight with America because its leaders have created their own boogeyman – “right-wing …
If you still think that modern-day Democrats are the “party of tolerance, love, and unity,” then honestly, you’re either brainwashed …